The previous version of IBM HPD  

The updated version of IBM HPD
SITUATION:  My first project as UX Architect in IBM Design Services Group was the redesign of IBM High Performance Dashboard, as above, providing live financial data for Senior Management reviews. After extensive research of the existing v1 of the application, It clearly lacked clarity in communication as well as in design.
TASK:  After extensive research of the existing application & input from product owners who where in constant contact with management, I created concepts and wireframes for an improved version.

ACTION: Working with both, a small core team (3 product managers, 1 visual designer, one developer, and myself), and an extensive global team of 22, to envision the potential look and feel of the modified application, I made numerous sketches, with iterative revisions based on feedback, proceeding to wireframes and InVision prototypes, until consensus was reached on viable features and functions that could be completed within the time-frame in v2,
RESULTS: The application update was successful with positive feedback and 50% greater usability for management.

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