SITUATION: HBO legacy Media Transport Dashboard and Tracking  App  was inconsistent, non-intuitive, slow, usable only  IT engineers. and made daily media tracking difficult and error prone.
TASK: Designing an application for media transport and tracking with wider usability, able to facilitate accurate media transport tracking, receive warnings, and take actions for timely content delivery. 
ACTION: I watched demos, researched usability,  and did walk-throughs, working closely with the head engineer to understand the task flow and key issues with the legacy application as well as must-have features of the redesign. From there I created concepts, wireframes, UI design, prototypes, developer documentation & a style library.
RESULT: The new design was developed with an agile process, with my close quality control over first builds, and successfully replaced the unusable, KE dependent application with an intuitive, clarified, simplified, branded UI. Some of the benefits of the new application besides the clean and branded UI were logical work sequences in fewer workspaces – and the fact that it could be used by admins and people with less training than an engineer. It vastly improved the ability to monitor a timely transfer of media assets with notifications and warnings to improve quality. 

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